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The Jane Carnegie Oriental Art Library

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4130 Maggs Bros Ltd 
Oriental miniatures and illumination: Bulletin no 1, December 1961

4132 Maggs Bros Ltd 
Oriental miniatures and illumination: Bulletin no 10, October 1966

4133 Maggs Bros Ltd 
Oriental miniatures and illumination: Bulletin no 24, December 1975

4131 Maggs Bros Ltd 
Oriental miniatures and illumination: Bulletin no 8, February 1965

2687 Mahabharata; Ganguli, Kisari Mohan (trans); Seeger, Elizabeth (trans); Laite, Gordon (illus) 
Five sons of King Pandu, The: The story of the Mahabharata

2241 Mailey, Jean 
Chinese silk tapestry: k'o-ssu, from private and museum collections

3416 Mailey, Jean 
Embroidery of imperial China

1609 Malaysian Watercolour Society 
Cat Air, Malaysia '85

2353 Malm, William Paul 
Japanese music and musical instruments

4024 Mao, Philip Wen-chee 
Ming blue and white incense burner with a T'ai-Ch'ang mark


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This image is taken from item 3105  

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