The Jane Carnegie Oriental Art Library

Full Entry

Kokka Magazine 
Kokka: numbers 659 to 981
Tokyo, Kokkasha   1947-1975 
Illus, plates (col), tables, diags; 39x27cm   Japanese   Paper

212 issues of a monthly periodical and one commemorative folder. Each issue has a number of articles, mostly by Japanese scholars, on Oriental art and architecture. The early issues of this group contain one or two woodcuts and a few collotypes and line drawings and other illustrations. Most issues contain an English contents list. This collection contains the following issues: nos 659-688 (1947-1949), 14; nos 715-800 (1951-1958), 61; nos 801-900 (1958-1967), 69; nos 901-981 (1967-1975), 68