The Jane Carnegie Oriental Art Library

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Kokka Magazine 
Kokka: numbers 1 to 108
Tokyo, Kokkasha   1889-1898 
Illus, plates (col), tables, diags; 39x27cm   Japanese   Paper   Lacking 4 plates

The first 108 issues of a monthly periodical which has continued to the present day. The term "Kokka" translates as "flowers of the nation". All issues are in Japanese and each contain several woodcuts, collotypes and line drawings. This collection is a complete run from 1889 to 1898. Four issues lack a total of six plates and eight text pages: number four missing one woodcut and text pages numbered 1-4, and number 60 missing two woodcuts, one collotype and four text pages numbered 225-228, and numbers 80 and 103 each missing one woodcut. Many early issues have transliterations or translations written in ink or pencil. Editors: Yamamoto Rokusaburo (1889-1893), Ninomiya Tatsujiro (1893), Nagao Makitaro (1893-1894), Toyama Tomosaburo (1894-1904)